Erin M. Floyd, Ph.D., LLC
6/20/06 State of Georgia Licensed Psychologist Number PSY002978
7/05 - 6/06 Child and Family Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior
6/02 - 8/05 Doctor of Philosophy
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology (Full APA Accreditation)
Area of Concentration: Clinical Child/Pediatric Psychology
Internship: Medical College of Georgia/Department of Veterans Affairs Consortium, Augusta, GA (7/04 - 6/05) (APA Accredited/APPIC Member)
GPA: 4.0
7/00 - 5/02 Master of Science
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology (Full APA Accreditation)
Area of Concentration: Clinical Child/Pediatric Psychology
GPA: 4.0
8/96 - 5/00 Bachelor of Science
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Summa Cum Laude, With Highest Honors; First Honor Graduate
Major: Psychology; Minor: Statistics
GPA: 4.0
5/03 Graduate Dean's Scholar Award for the most outstanding graduate student in the College of Health Professions, University of Florida
4/02 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Florida
5/00 William T. James Award for the most outstanding senior undergraduate psychology major, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia
4/00 Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, University of Georgia
97-99 National Dean's List Who's Who Among College Students, University of Georgia
1/98 Delta Epsilon Iota Honor Society, University of Georgia
10/98 Golden Key National Honor Society, University of Georgia
10/97 Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, University of Georgia
8/97 - 5/00 Academic Scholarship Identification Program, University of Georgia
8/96 - 5/00 Presidential Scholar, University of Georgia
8/96 - 5/00 Honors Program, University of Georgia
11/03 Research Travel Award, Graduate Student Council, University of Florida
8/03 APA Student Travel Award, 2003 American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada
6/02 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Conference Travel Grant, University of California, Davis, CA
3/02 SEPA Special Topics Research Award, 48th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL
11/00 Research Travel Award, Graduate Student Council, University of Florida
5/00 Judge Horace B. Russell Prize for the best written undergraduate work in psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia
4/99 Best Undergraduate Research Poster, 21st Annual Convention of the Behavioral Sciences, Athens, GA
Storch, E. A., & Floyd, E. M. (2005). Introduction: Innovative approaches to Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Special issue of Education and Treatment of Children, 28, 106-110.
Floyd, E. M., Rayfield, A., Eyberg, S. M., & Riley, J. (2004). Psychometric properties of the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory with rural middle school and high school children. Assessment, 11(1), 64-72.
Neary, E. M., & Eyberg, S. M. (2003). Interpretive conference. In C. S. Schroeder & T. H. Ollendick (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology (pp. 322-323). New York: Guilford.
Neary, E. M., & Eyberg, S. M. (2002). Management of disruptive behavior in young children. Infants and Young Children, 14(4), 53-67.
Amir, N., Freshman, M., Ramsey, B., Neary, E., & Brigidi, B. (2001). Thought-action fusion in individuals with OCD symptoms. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39, 765-776.
Eyberg, S. M., Dabbs, M. D., & Neary, E. M. (2001). Individual child- and family-based therapies for ADHD. In B. L. Maria (Ed.), Current Management in Child Neurology (pp. 197-199). Hamilton, Ontario: B. C. Becker.
Jones, D. J., Forehand, R., & Neary, E. M. (2001). Family transmission of depressive symptoms: Replication across Caucasian and African American mother-child dyads. Behavior Therapy, 32, 123-138.
Neary, E., & Eyberg, S. M. (2001). Disorderly conduct [Review of the book Handbook of disruptive behavior disorders]. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 30(3), 438-439.
Mattes, M. (2023, May 12). How to stop your toddler from hitting. Parents.
Brown, M. (2022, December 26). Dad catches hilarious conversation with daughter on camera. Parents.
Eidam, K. (2020, October 9). 5 things to keep in mind when your child picks favorites. Parents.
Parents Editors. (2020, May 21). How to stop a toddler from biting. Parents.
Williams, L. (2011, October 17). How to make shots less scary for kids. She Knows.
Taylor, M. (2011, August/September). 5 study tips. KIWI, 28.
Naylor, S. (2011, September 5). Ensuring your child's success: Experts share their do's and don'ts to add value to parent-teacher conferences. Gulf News Report.
Evans, J. R. (2011, May 31). Raising "spirited children" without breaking their spirit. Cafe Mom.
Wertz, K. (2011, April 20). Tips for moving with kids. GoPenske.
Hartman, R. (2011, January). Getting past "no!" Parents, 104-106.
Capetta, A. (2010). Take charge of your doctor's visit. Retrieved August 31, 2010, from
Stanke, H. (2010). Tips for that first trip to college. Retrieved August 5, 2010, from
Stewart, K. (2010). An ADHD treatment to improve behavior. Retrieved July 19, 2010, from
Stewart, K. (2010). How to find an ADHD therapist. Retrieved July 16, 2010, from
Koenig, R. (2010). Gwen Stefani, Katie Holmes, and Angelina Jolie all carry their big kids. When is kid-carrying a problem? Retrieved May 19, 2010, from
Eidam, K. (2010, May). I want daddy! Parents, 178-180.
Mattes, M. (2010, February). Tough toddlers. Parents, 116-119.
Floyd, E. M. (2013, November). Setting up a private practice. Paper presented at the Georgia Psychological Association Professional Development Day, Atlanta, GA.
Floyd, E. M. (2008, November). The business of psychology. Paper presented at the Georgia Psychological Association Professional Development Day, Atlanta, GA.
Delancy, D. A., Floyd, E. M., Mabe, P. A., & Anderson, W. (2006, November). A youth outpatient crisis intervention: Predicting treatment participation and adherence. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL.
Floyd, E. M., Mabe, P. A., & Anderson, W. (2006, August). CARE Program: Systematic evaluation of an outpatient youth crisis intervention. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Storch, E. A., & Floyd, E. M. (2003, November). Introduction. In E. Storch & E. M. Floyd (Chairs), Innovative approaches to Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, Massachusetts.
Floyd, E. M., & Eyberg, S. M. (2003, August). Testing the attachment theory of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Neary, E. M., Harwood, M., Bell, S. K., & Eyberg, S. M. (2002, June). Attachment in the parent-child relationship: Preliminary findings on the phases of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Convention, Sacramento, CA.
Neary, E. M., Eyberg, S. M., & Querido, J. G. (2002, March). The SESBI-R: Teacher report psychometrics in a Head Start population. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Freshman, M., Amir, N., Briks, J., Neary, E. M., & Riemann, B. (2000, November). Deficit in the ability to forget threat in individuals with panic. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.
Neary, E. M., & Bartini, M. (2000, November). Gender role flexibility: Relation to aggression in early adolescence. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.
Amir, N., Freshman, M., Ramsey, B., Brigidi, B., & Neary, E. (1999, November). Harm reduction and thought-action fusion in individuals with OCD symptoms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, Canada.
Przeworski, A., Freshman, M., Rehn, M., Neary, E., & Amir, N. (1999, November). Memory bias in individuals with obsessive-compulsive symptoms: The role of reconstruction of familiar threat-related items. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, Canada.
Neary, E. M., McFall, D. E., & Phillips, A. R. (1999, April). The influence of gender role flexibility on dating behavior. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Savannah, GA.
Neary, E., Phillips, A., & McFall, D. (1999, April). Gender role flexibility and courtship. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Convention of the Behavioral Sciences, Athens, GA.
Bartini, M., Baugh, C., Neary, E. M., Phillips, A. R., & Tolbert, M. (1998, April). Gender role flexibility in early adolescence and relationship to activity choice. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Convention of the Behavioral Sciences, Athens, GA.
Floyd, E. M. (2010, November). Careers in psychology and behavioral sciences. Panel presentation at the Georgia Gwinnett College Industry Night, Lawrenceville, GA.
Floyd, E. M. (2009, September). PCIT: A primer. Paper presented at the Georgia State University Department of Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
Floyd, E. M., & Mabe, P. A. (2004, September). Case presentation: Stopping the violence early. Paper presented at the MCG Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior Grand Rounds, Augusta, GA.
Floyd, E. M., & Mabe, P. A. (2004, September). Case presentation: Stopping the violence early. Paper presented at the MCG Department of Pediatrics Noon Rounds, Augusta, GA.
Floyd, E. M., Reader, S., & Selke, G. (2004, March). Interviewing for Internship. Paper presented at the meeting of the UF Center for Pediatric Psychology and Family Studies Seminar Series, Gainesville, FL.
Floyd, E. M., & Eyberg, S. M. (2003, April). Standardization of the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory-Revised in a Head Start preschool population. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the UF College of Health Professions Research Day, Gainesville, FL.
Neary, E. M., Harwood, M., Bell, S. K., & Eyberg, S. M. (2002, April). The influence of phases of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy on attachment. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the UF Graduate and Professional Student Forum, Gainesville, FL.
Neary, E. M., Eyberg, S. M., & Querido, J. G. (2001, October). Psychometrics of a teacher report of disruptive behaviors in a Head Start population. Paper presented at the meeting of the UF Center for Pediatric Psychology and Family Studies Seminar Series, Gainesville, FL.
Neary, E. M., Querido, J. G., & Eyberg, S. M. (2001, October). Reliability and validity of the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory-Revised in a Head Start preschool population. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the UF Clinical and Health Psychology Fall Research Symposium, Gainesville, FL.
Neary, E. M., Querido, J. G., & Eyberg, S. M. (2001, January). Psychometric properties of the SESBI-R in a preschool Head Start population. Paper presented at the meeting of the UF Center for Pediatric Psychology and Family Studies Seminar Series, Gainesville, FL.
Neary, E. M. (1999, April). The influence of gender role flexibility on aggression in early adolescence. Paper presented at the meeting of the UGA Undergraduate Research Seminar, Athens, GA.
5/29/15 Guest Lecturer, "Private Practice: How to Proceed," General Seminar, Psychology Predoctoral Internship Program, Atlanta VA Medical Center, Decatur, GA
12/14/11 Trainer, "Preventing Job Burnout and Compassion Fatigue," Gwinnett Children's Shelter, Buford, GA
12/14/10 Trainer, "Stress Management in the Workplace," Gwinnett Children's Shelter, Buford, GA
8/10 - 12/10 Supervisor, "Assessment/Supervision Practicum," PSY 9950A-C, Psychology Clinic, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
2/22/10 Guest Lecturer, "Parent-Child Interaction Therapy," PSYC 8510 Child Behavior Therapy, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
11/11/09 Guest Lecturer, "Translating Behavioral Principles Into Clinical Practice," PSY 4220 Introduction to Behavior Modification, Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
10/31/09 Presenter, "Building and Maintaining Family Bonds," NASA Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Aerospace Academy Program Family Cafe, Fernbank Science Center, Atlanta, GA
3/18/06 Guest Speaker, "Coping in the Midst of Cancer: Dealing with the Parenting Stresses of Pediatric Oncology," Share and Care Retreat, Augusta, GA
8/05 Teaching Assistant, Child Assessment Seminar, Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, MCG
1/05 - 2/05 Instructor, School of Nursing, MCG, Augusta, GA, and MCG School of Nursing Satellite Program, Athens, GA
11/8/04 Community Outreach Guest Speaker, "More Than Warm Fuzzies," Thomson, GA
9/14/04 Guest Speaker, Epilepsy Support Group, Augusta Downtown Division Veterans Affairs, Augusta, GA
7/22/02 Guest Lecturer, CLP 7934 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Theory and Practice, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
5/15/02 Instructor, Revised Edition of the School Observation Coding System training seminar, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
6/01 - 8/01 Teaching Assistant, CLP 7934 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Theory and Practice, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
1/01 - 5/01 Research Supervisor, CLP 3911 Introduction to Clinical Research, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
9/19/00 Instructor, "Getting into Graduate School," Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
2004 Co-Editor, Special Issue of Education and Treatment of Children
2003 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
2003 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Behavior Therapy
2002 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
2000, 2001 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
2000 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology
7/05 - 6/06 Program Evaluation Researcher, Child and Adolescent Respond and Evaluation Program, Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, MCG
7/00 - 6/04 Graduate Research Assistant, Child Study Lab, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
7/00 - 6/04 Coder, Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System-II, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
7/00 - 5/04 Coder, Revised School Observation Coding System, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
5/99 - 5/00 Research Assistant, Center for the Treatment and Understanding of Anxiety, Department of Psychology, UGA
10/98 - 5/00 Research Assistant, Institute for Behavioral Research, UGA
1/98 - 5/99 Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, UGA
7/05 - 6/06 Treatment Program Developer, Child and Adolescent Respond and Evaluation Program, Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, MCG
3/05 - 6/05 General Practice Rotation, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Unit, Nursing Home Care/Rehabilitation Unit, General Psychiatry Team, Uptown Division, Department of Veterans Affairs, Augusta, GA
10/04 - 2/05 General Practice Rotation, Central Savannah River Area AIDS Resource and Education Program, Health Behavior Program, Eating Disorders Program, Employee-Faculty Assistance Program, Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, MCG
7/04 - 10/04 Medical Psychology Rotation, Spinal Cord Injury Service, Pain Evaluation and Intervention Program, Neuropsychology Specialization, Downtown Division, Department of Veterans Affairs, Augusta, GA
7/04 - 6/05 Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, MCG
7/04 - 6/05 Child and Family Specialty Track, Columbia and Richmond Counties’ Departments of Juvenile Justice Family Solutions Program, Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Medical Center, School of Nursing’s Healthy Grandparenting Project of Augusta, Child and Adolescent Respond and Evaluation Program, Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, inpatient medical and psychiatric units, MCG
8/03 - 12/03 Child Inpatient Liaison and Consultation, inpatient medical units of Shands Hospital, UF
4/03 - 8/03 Child Neuropsychology Advanced Practicum, Psychology Clinic and inpatient medical units of Shands Hospital, UF
1/03 - 4/03 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Advanced Practicum, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Children’s Mental Health Unit, Shands Hospital, UF
9/02 - 12/02 Rural/Primary Care Psychology Practicum, Dixie, Hamilton, and Levy County Public Health Clinics, FL
5/02 - 8/02 Health Psychology Practicum, Psychology Clinic, outpatient medical clinics and inpatient medical units of Shands Hospital, UF
1/02 - 5/02 Child Psychology Practicum, Psychology Clinic, UF
8/01 - 12/01 Adult Neuropsychology Practicum, Psychology Clinic and inpatient psychiatric and medical units of Shands Hospital, UF
8/01 - 5/04 Therapy Practicum, Psychology Clinic, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychology, Anxiety Clinic, and inpatient medical units of Shands Hospital, UF
1/01 - 4/01 Therapist, Project SOFT, Child Study Lab, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
7/00 - 5/04 Therapist, Project GIFT, Child Study Lab, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
8/98 - 10/98 Co-Therapist, Behavioral Health, Athens Regional Medical Center, Athens, GA
7/11 - Volunteer, Habitat for Humanity, Atlanta, GA
4/11 - Volunteer, I Am B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. Pink and Black Ball, Duluth, GA
3/11 - present Volunteer, International Women's House, GA
1/10 - 1/11 Volunteer, Special Olympics Georgia State Indoor Winter Games, Marietta, GA
8/03 - 8/05 Graduate Student Representative for the College of Health Professions, Health Science Center Student Conduct Committee, UF
10/02 - 6/04 Parent Support Group Facilitator, Camp Boggy Creek, Cassia, FL
4/27/01 Volunteer, Eighth Florida Conference on Child Health Psychology, Gainesville, FL
9/00 - 6/04 Class Representative, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, UF
5/97 - 5/99 Peer Advisor, Honors Program, UGA
4/14 - present Member, Georgia Psychological Association
3/10 - present Member, Augusta Area Psychological Association
10/00 - 1/04 Graduate Student Affiliate, Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Division 53, American Psychological Association
12/98 - 5/00 Member, Psi Chi National Honor Society, UGA
1/98 - present Member, American Psychological Association
11/98 - 11/99 Student Affiliate, Southeastern Psychological Association
97 Member, Psychology Club, UGA
9/96 - 97 Member, Phi Kappa Literary/Debate Society, UGA
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